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Reduced settlement cycles, evolving regulatory regimes and rising trading volumes for complex investment products are creating a lengthy ‘To Do’ list for Post Trade teams. Find out how to navigate and thrive in this ever-changing landscape by joining the leading Buy Side Operations conference. Benchmark with COOs and Heads of Investment Operations from leading Asset Managers, Pension Funds and Hedgefunds to gain practical insights on: Preparing your operations function for the transition to T+1 settlement cycles and impact on European markets Implementing the latest data, automation and AI trends to optimise operating processes and boost performance Launching new post trade […]

Frankfurt Regional Meeting 2024

The FIX Trading Community is delighted to invite you to the Frankfurt Regional Meeting, hosted by Commerzbank on Tuesday, September 24th. This event will feature insightful panel discussions on the current and future state of German markets, an exploration of the future of digital assets, and the latest updates on the work of the FIX Trading Community. The meeting will be followed by a networking drinks reception, providing a perfect opportunity to reconnect with industry experts, peers, clients and prospects in a relaxed and neutral setting. Don't miss this chance to engage with the local trading community and gain valuable […]