TNS Sets Industry Benchmark with Increased Network Capacity for OPRA Data Feed Expansion

7 November 2023 – RESTON, Va. – Transaction Network Services (TNS) today announced a significant upgrade to its evolving network capacity with multiple 100 gigabits-per-second (Gbps) circuits to support the Options Price Reporting Authority (OPRA) expansion.
OPRA, responsible for aggregating and disseminating price quotations for listed US options contracts, has experienced rapid growth. The upcoming expansion of OPRA’s market data dissemination, transitioning from a 48-line to a 96-line multicast network in February 2024, is expected to drive the demand for high-bandwidth solutions.
TNS offers unparalleled, comprehensive US equity options market data coverage, achieved through a strategic network design capable of efficiently managing high-bandwidth data volumes. In 2019, TNS brought multiple terabit capacity to the trading community when it lit its own ultra-low latency dark fiber backbone on all New York financial routes. With NMS ports, TNS ensures the ability to load balance the receipt of OPRA traffic and, with the recent network capacity upgrade, has sufficient bandwidth to deliver data throughout the New York area, as well as from New York to Chicago, to handle OPRA’s planned expansion. TNS’ switches can now provide 100 Gbps handoffs to customers accessing OPRA and other exchanges.
“As market leaders for US equity options exchange data feeds, TNS’ upgraded network capacity underscores our commitment to uninterrupted market data,” said Jeff Mezger, TNS’ Vice President of Product Management for Financial Markets. “This enhancement not only ensures exceptional performance for OPRA data flow but also marks a significant milestone in our dedication to providing superior connectivity and cost-savings for our customers.”
With its dark fiber upgrade, TNS future-proofed its global infrastructure with purpose-built, high-volume market data solutions, designed by engineers and experts from top trading firms. TNS’ multiple 100 Gbps channel network not only sets a new standard for efficient connectivity to OPRA, but also provides a scalable solution for the addition of future market data feeds. With this advancement, TNS continues to be a market leader in delivering enhanced performance, reliability and seamless market data.
TNS brings together over 5,000 financial community endpoints, supported by a global, 125-strong point-of-presence footprint. Specifically designed and engineered to address the needs of financial market participants worldwide, TNS offers a range of connectivity, colocation, cloud, market data and VPN solutions within its Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS) portfolio. These solutions are monitored 24x7x365 by TNS’ Network Operations Centers in the US, UK, Australia and Malaysia. For further information visit